Whale watching here in Bodega Bay is very popular because there is an easily accessible high point from which to watch for whales at the Bodega Head.
The park also provides nice restroom facilities, picnic opportunities, and other recreational opportunities to add to your whale watching adventure. Most any day thru the migratory period you’ll see whales from here, so bring your binoculars.
Grey whales tend to come the closest to shore at Bodega Head on their north bound migration in the springtime from March thru June. You can often watch the calves interacting with their Mothers which can lead to lots of exclamatory remarks if you happen to be standing in a crowd which can certainly happen on the weekends when hundreds of people migrate to this spot to watch the whales. The whales feed on krill, which are abundant off the Sonoma Coast.
The southbound migration tends to occur in the fall in October and November. The whales are typically further from shore, but can still be spotted. Several sport-fishing outfits in Bodega Bay offer whale watching excursions:

Miss Anita Fishing Charters
(707) 875-FISH (3474)

[email protected]

Bodega Bay Sportfishing
(707) 875-3495 or (707) 875-3344
While you’re out whale watching, if you come across an opportunity to get a good picture please share it with us on our Facebook here.